On my way to becoming the best Briana I can be
Planes, Trains, NO Automobiles for Me: I love public transportation!
Planes, Trains, NO Automobiles for Me: I love public transportation!

Planes, Trains, NO Automobiles for Me: I love public transportation!

Ever since I studied abroad, I have been obsessed with public transportation; my life had been changed. Before studying abroad in Prague, I’d lived in the South (Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee) and primarily traveled there as well, mostly by car. It was all I knew. When I went to Europe, my world view expanded. I was in a place where you didn’t need a car to get around. More than that, I was in a place where you didn’t even need a plane to get around! I got to discover Europe through trams and trains and metros and buses, and after having experienced that, I didn’t want to worry about a car ever again.

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. I returned from abroad to the United States of cars. It was pretty disheartening to be back and lose a little bit of freedom. At that point, I didn’t have a car, so I was limited to walking, using Lyft, or hitching rides with friends. Before having those options wasn’t a big deal. After, because I knew this wasn’t the way it had to be, it was even more bothersome. Unlike the countries across Europe, the United States is allegedly one country. It should be a lot easier for us to create a transit system that could connect cities and states, but instead the focus was put on infrastructure for cars. It just goes to show how greed robs the greater good.

I have actual evidence of my transition from to a city with good public transportation. Wild to see!

Now, I’m back living in a place with public transportation infrastructure, and it’s been lovely. I feel better, I’m more active, and I get to see so many new places whiz by as I ride along. Most recently, I took my first train ride in China, and it was so easy. I can’t wait to take more! The bloganuary prompt asks which mode is my favorite, but it’s hard to narrow down which mode of  transportation I like the most. It might be trams because those were my first real introduction to good public transportation. Now though, I take the metro almost everyday, so it feels like home, and trains are a special treat. Maybe my favorite public transportation is those on tracks. Still, I think there’s a time and place for every one, and I hope one day I can train and tram across America instead of being confined to a car.

I caught this sunset as I was heading home from work. So pretty!