There are two types of people in the world: those who have a favorite color and those who have no favorite color. Maybe there are three types of people because the I think the latter can be divided into two camps: those that don’t want any of the other colors to feel bad, so they don’t choose one, and people who simply do not have a favorite. The last group terrifies me the most, but enough color theory, this post is about me.
When I first read today’s bloganuary prompt: “What color describes your personality and why?” I immediately jumped to blue, my favorite color. While I love the color blue across its spectrum, I don’t think I’m much of a blue person. Blue has a reputation for being a sad color, but outside of that I think it also has connotations with being chill, laid back, relaxed, and peaceful. I don’t fit the bill.
I’m more of a yellow: bright, vibrant, and at times in your face. I think I’m pretty outgoing, and I like making people happy (mostly by trying to make them laugh). While sometimes I can be a bit much (neon yellow), every color has its dark side.