On my way to becoming the best Briana I can be
We’ve already been forgotten | Blogebruary?
We’ve already been forgotten | Blogebruary?

We’ve already been forgotten | Blogebruary?

I recently saw a tik tok that got me thinking, so I’ll pass it on to you. I was hoping to just grab a screen shot or at least link the tik tok, but of course now I can’t find it. In essence, this college student said her professor asked the class “How many of you know your great grandparents names? Se how close you are to being forgotten.”

I’m guilty of not knowing. I’m guilty of forgetting. After seeing that tik tok, I had to ask my mom what my grandmother’s (on my dad’s side) name was. I just didn’t know. She died before I’d been born, and it was something I never knew, never even thought to know.

Last year, (well now 2021), I began learning and thinking more on what it meant to honor my ancestors. How could I honor those that went before me and paved the way? What could I learn from them? Lots of things, I’m certain. There’s so much I don’t know.

I want to leave a legacy behind. It scares me to think I’ll die and just be less than a blip in the grand scheme of everything. It’s a bit egotistical of me as well, to want to matter that much, but I do. I want to start by honoring the legacies of those closest to me. They forged me into who I am today. The least I can do is remember.

This was a prompt for Bloganuary. I want to finish out the prompts I missed, so we’re starting with day eight: How far back in your family tree can you go? I thought this was the first one I missed but when I went to the Bloganuary page to get that link, I saw the list, and I definitely don’t think I did day six or seven. Next time.