It feels impossible to pinpoint one day in my life and call it the happiest. It seems unfair to all the moments that I laughed so hard I was in pain and smiled so wide I couldn’t stop every tooth from showing. Sitting for a moment to think about the happiest day of my life is sending me reeling, I don’t want to leave a day, or a memory, out, and I don’t want to fall into the spiral of thinking that I’ve never been truly happy because I can’t pinpoint an exact moment. It’s definitely a possibility, but I won’t do that.
The place that keeps popping into my head over and over is my college suite during my senior year of university (I’m getting used to using university more because people get confused when I say “school” or “college”). There I lived with five other women, and we called ourselves the Peep Suite. It sounds very cute and friendly, but it was nefarious; we liked to spy on our neighbors and their visitors through the peep hole in our door. I’m laughing thinking about the times we rotated behind the door so everyone could get a look of the action.
I remember one particular night, we decided to have a suite night. During these suite nights, which didn’t happen often due to our various schedules, the work was put away and the college seniors came out to play. These were usually accompanied with lots of sweet treats, loud music, and a night out in Nashville, or at least outside our dorm walls.

During this suite night, I don’t know what it was, but I remember laughing so hard, I was on the floor, the embodiment of rolling on the floor laughing. One of my suitemates was on the floor with me laughing and laughing, and my stomach started to hurt from laughing and I laughed more because I had never been in pain from laughing so hard. I’ve used the word laughing more times than I think should probably be used in one paragraph, but we laughed for ages that night.
After we recovered, we went about the rest of the night on a high of life. We went out, danced, talked to strangers, and did whatever else you do in college when you’re trying to pretend you don’t have responsibilities. The second best part of that night happened when we returned home for the night. (I would like to disclose that this could very well have bee a totally different night, but it’s together now) We were exhausted scrounging our cabinets for food, and I don’t quite remember whether I made a quesadilla, or simply took on the responsibility of feeding, but I do remember my suite mate laying on the couch and me feeding her a quesadilla. I was a momma bird feeding her chick, and I told her so. It’s a silly fun beautiful memory, and I love that I got to have it with them.
Here’s to more memories laughing, eating, and living with people I love.

P.S. While I was looking for pictures of us, I found this quiz I made to let you know which member of the Peep Suite you are.
Thanks for sharing!
I do agree that it is hard to pinpoint one day in my life!