On my way to becoming the best Briana I can be
Sun Setting on my First Bloganuary…or is it?
Sun Setting on my First Bloganuary…or is it?

Sun Setting on my First Bloganuary…or is it?

Let’s start off by clearing the air. Today marks the last prompt (and the last day as it goes) of Bloganuary, but it won’t be the last of me. First of all, I didn’t finish all the prompts during January, and I want to finish them out, so I will. Second, and more importantly, I made a resolution to post on BrianaisGoingPlaces once a week, and I intend to stick to it. Now that we’ve cleared that up, on to one of nature’s best ideas: sunsets.

A Shenzhen sunset from the metro

I’ve loved the couple of times these prompts mirrored my thoughts. A couple days ago, I was looking out my window and thought “Shenzhen has the best sunsets.” I have the distinct pleasure of being able to watch them from my window, and I think I have one of the best views.

Sunset from my window

Still, while I’m grateful to be able to watch the sunset from my window, I stumbled on my favorite sunset view on accident. I was coming home from a coffee shop in the last few days and decided that I would stop by a park I’d never been to. On the map, it looked like the park was on the water, and luckily I read the map correctly. As I was walking through the park towards the metro, reflecting on what 2022 was and what 2023 could be, the sun began to set. It was a spectacle.

Sunset at Shenzhen Bay Park

I feel sunsets are so symbolic. Change, endings, time passing, I feel it all, but those aren’t my favorite thing about sunsets. For every sunset, the sun will rise again, and the sun set will follow. It’s consistent, forever, the same yet different. With each sun set, I am a slightly different Briana under a slightly different sun, but we will both be here tomorrow.

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