On my way to becoming the best Briana I can be
I shouldn’t have to do any chores, honestly.
I shouldn’t have to do any chores, honestly.

I shouldn’t have to do any chores, honestly.

I hate doing a lot of chores, and I think it’s because I don’t like to leave things halfway. For most (actually, I think I can say all) chores, finishing them once doesn’t mean you’ve completed the task; it just means you’re done for now. For that reason, laundry earns the title of WORST CHORE OF THEM ALL. Unless you do laundry in the nude (which for me would be a little too cold), It’s the only one that requires you to complete it again before you’re even done with the first go round. It’s a Sisyphean task, and yes, I just wanted to include the word Sisyphean.

I feel as though this particular Bloganuary prompt doesn’t require much elaboration, but it feels a little short, so I will babble on about chores a bit more. I think what has helped me a lot with my chores (particularly washing dishes) is listening to music while I’m doing them. It gives me something to put my mind to instead of being annoyed with the work that I’m having to do. I haven’t had as much success finding ways to enjoy cleaning the bathroom, my second most hated chore.

Something I’ve noticed since moving to China  is that I’m a lot better at keeping  things neat and orderly when I have a roommate. I’m not sure why this just occurred to me because I’ve been living alone before I came here, but sometimes things happen in weird order. I do understand why though. I recently read the book Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin. In Better than Before, Rubin talks about The Four Tendencies: Upholder, Obliger, Rebel, and Questioner. In most situations, I tend to be an Obliger; it’s much easier for me to uphold expectations from others than my own inner expectations. When I was reading, I thought at first, I was an Upholder because I’ve become so talented at finding ways to trick myself into doing things for myself (going to coffee shops, finding accountability partners, or just announcing my goals into the world and pretending people are watching). It helps explain why I am much better at keeping tidy for a roommate. I truly don’t care how I live, ( though I’m not living in a pigsty by any means), but I’m always happy to improve myself, chores included. One of these days I’ll try to find a way to trick myself into liking chores a bit more, but until then, I’ll keep waiting to start laundry until I’m down to two pairs of clean underwear.