On my way to becoming the best Briana I can be
My Second Musing (on a Monday)
My Second Musing (on a Monday)

My Second Musing (on a Monday)

I’m quite tired. That is the general mood of the day today. I know I’m feeling exhausted in part because I went to a comedy open mic last night and got home super late. Actually, I think that’s 100% the reason, and that’s okay.

I survived my first week of school, and I think it went well. I’m trying to implement a reward system in my class to do some positive reinforcement, and for the most part students are buying in which is exciting. Some days it’s randomly occurs to me that I’m managing to teach a classroom of 50 students, and I feel proud of what I’ve done despite our language barrier.

I’m learning I really like Beverly Jenkins. This morning, I finished Forbidden, my fifth book by her this year, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I need to start doing a ranking of her books (adds that to my website to do list).

Going back to the open mic, I have been wanting to do an open mic for YEARS at this point. I went to my first comedy open mic in 2017 at the East Room in Nashville and loved it. Ever since then, I wanted to do my own. Even before attending the open mic, I’d love comedy (improv especially), and I loved the atmosphere of open mics. It was refreshing and uncomfortable to be in a space where people are constantly feeling the roller coaster of highs and lows, laughter and painful silence. I also think it’s my worst nightmare: standing on stage and trying to make people laugh and bombing spectacularly. Maybe being thought of as funny is too much a part of me to want to endure being thought otherwise.

In other news, I’d like to see Black Panther. It’s in theaters here in China, and I haven’t been to the theaters at alll since I’ve arrived. This seems like the perfect movie to start with. I wanted to go Saturday night at 9, but when I was looking at showings, the time I wanted was double the price as the other times. Maybe I’ll go today, tomorrow, or Wednesday. I’m trying to learn how to do things after work.

I think that’s all I have the energy to write about. I still need to finish blogebruary, read a book I agreed to beta read, and get this posted before my next class.

Until next time,


P.S. This weird thing is happening to the fruits I leave in my office. I noticed this last week with a pear I kept from my lunch. It looked bitten, but I thought I just grabbed a bad one. I brought this apple in from home last week, and I KNOW there was nothing wrong with it before. Now, it looks like this:

Would you eat around it or throw it away? I hate wasting food so I thought about eating around it, but that idea grossed me out too much.

P.P.S. I threw something away while leaving the office and saw this.